


Om ansvarlig information


Kurser og temadage

Analyser og rapporter





Ansvarlig Information - "Responsible Information" is a small independent agency for information and analyses.

Topics include: Environment, food, agricultural policy, health, social policies and international trade and development.

The company has been founded by Tage Siboni, formerly Danish chief EU negotiator in areas covering agriculture and food safety and formerly deputy director of the Danish Food and Veterinary Administration.

The company depends on experts and networks inside and outside of Denmark.

We can provide international customers with a thorough knowledge of Danish and Scandinavian business, legislation, administration and policies, always on a sound and factual basis of relevant official statistics and reports.

We can provide complete programmes for study tours including meetings with companies and civil service (also including the practical arrangements, hotel, transport etc.) 

Don't hesitate to call us on +45 25 34 69 07 - mail:ts@ansvarliginformation.dk